Greek Wedding - Spetses, Greece
When you get invited to a destination wedding, you go. You find the money, book the expensive flight, grab your people, and go. I’ll be able to relive this entire wedding forever thanks to this gang and the hilarious memories we made in Greece.
Pre-flight delay, we’re feeling fresh and excited!
After a 5 hour delay… we were beyond ready for this 9+ hour flight to Athens.
The delay meant we no longer had time for a leisurely lunch before our ferry. We sprinted our way through customs, grabbed our bags and Greek SIM cards, threw ourselves in a cab, and sped to Piraeus Port. Only to find out… our ferry was really one hour later than we thought. But we found the rest of our group (Katie and Sky) and toasted to our good luck!
Finally we board!!
The ride to Spetses was just about an hour and 15 min, but at this point we’re all running on adrenaline and snacks and can’t keep still in our seats. We’re squealing even louder when we look out the windows at where we’ll be exploring!
This first ferry stop was Hydra, Greece - we’ll stop here after the wedding.
We pulled into Spetses just as the sun was setting.
We managed to grab the 2 cabs on the island to take us up the hill to our villa… and after 15+ hrs of travel, we were so ready to see our home for the next few days. It did not disappoint.
We had about 15 minutes to change before heading to the pre-wedding cocktail party, so that gorgeous pool had to wait!
The bride and groom rented out one of the few bars on the island for everyone to gather and mingle.
BFF Chloe in her fab lemon dress!
We cleaned up as best we could and sipped on Aperol spritzes all evening. Before feasting on our first hot meal of the day (that chicken souvlaki saved our lives) and passing out.
We spent a super lazy morning over eggs, toast, fresh oranges, and coffee while adjusting to our new time zone. None of us were up for venturing too far away from the pool deck, but I snapped a few pics of the grounds of this stunning villa.
Being a good 20 minute walk up a steep hill from the main port wasn’t always fun, but it sure made the views from the house worth it.
After a few hours spent lounging and swimming, we freshened up and braved the humidity. Here we come, Alexia and Vasilis!
Because the wedding was happening on the other side of the island, they arranged a few water taxis to get us there.
Needless to say… we had a blast!
I mean, how can you NOT be thinking about Mamma Mia at a time and place like this?!
We tried our best Donna and the Dynamos pose.
And my gosh it was a scene straight out of the movie.
The bride casually arrived on her own boat, and we finally kicked off the ceremony!
I didn’t understand a word of the hour long ceremony, but the love and commitment is real and had us all feeling overjoyed for them!
As if this wedding couldn’t get any more beautiful, they bussed us up to the most spectacular villa during that magical golden hour.
You know that glow that makes everyone look amazing, yeah we were basking all up in that.
The beautiful bride and groom arrived, and the real fun began!
Clearly we had way too much fun and stayed up dancing until the last bus left the wedding villa at 3am.
HUGE thanks to Alexia and Vasilis for inviting me along for the celebration! Your wedding was easily one of the most beautiful I’ll ever go to.
We’re only just getting started in Greece, so stick around to see more of our adventures…